
Showing posts from September, 2018

PDA Strategies and Person Centred Counselling

Before starting, I would like to clearly point out that, while I believe person centred counselling is a great fit for PDA needs, the therapy will not be effective if a PDAer, young or old, is directed to enter into it. The saying goes, you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink , and for PDAers, if you try taking us to water/counselling we'll likely respond by bolting as far away from it as we can! Definitions: Person centred counselling , as described by Counselling Directory is: "A humanistic approach that deals with the ways in which individuals perceive themselves consciously, rather than how a counsellor can interpret their unconscious thoughts or ideas. ... The therapist in this approach works to understand an individual’s experience from their perspective. The therapist must positively value the client as a person in all aspects of their humanity, while aiming to be open and genuine. This is vital in helping the client feel accepted,...