Memes About Demand Avoidance

Statements that bypass demand avoidance

Hiw different types of demand trigger me

PDA filter
Sense of demand?
Need to be free from constraints
Demand Avoidance doesn't go away

Demand avoidance agaisnt advice

Demand avoidance triggers
Resistance to advice
Lack of control = demand
Choice, attachment, control
Understanding how demand avoidance works
Anxiety driven need for control?
Aspirations and demand avoidance
Stuff and demand avoidance
Limits and demand avoidance
Confiding and demand avoidance
I rock (depite demand avoidance)
Swearing at demands)
Demand avoidance tap
Demand avoidance creating anxiety (not the other way round)
Anxiety caused by disregarding demand avoidance?
Waiting is a demand
Art and demand avoidance
Broken routine and demand avoidance
Demand avoidance and books
Demand avoidance and dieting/budgeting
Invisible demand avoidance
Avoiding little things, like getting a fork
PDAers resist
Demand avoidance and strength
Demand avoidance battle pain
Battling demand avoidance
Demand avoidance is like breathing
Demand avoidance and complex/simple tasks
Coping with busy-ness
Creative demand avoidance
Being immediate and demand avoidance
Immediate emails and demand avoidance
Housework: cutting corners
Expert corner cutter
Efficiency and demand avoidance
Battling demand avoidance self-observation
Types of demand
Wages as a demand
Types of demand
Some strategies
Inverted demand avoidance
Did you know...?
Feather light, invisible demand avoidance
Natural anarchist
Demand avoidance as a damp floor cloth
Forcing demands
Work and demands (gothy girl)
Can't talk me out of demand avoidance
Message alerts and demand avoidance
Hidden demand avoidance
Hidden workplace and school demands
Housework and demand avoidance
Importance and demand avoidance
Autopilot and demand avoidance
Demand avoidance like same pole magnets
Interference demand avoidance
Irony of control-seeking and demand avoidance
Can't remove crisp packet (demand avoidance)
Just don't do it
Just no
How my demand avoidance is rationalised
Life without pathological demand avoidance
Facebook like & share and demand avoidance
Limits and demand avoidance
Little demands
Meme writing and demand avoidance
Demand avoidance mountains
Music as a demand
Demand avoidance and obstacles
Emotions triggered by demand avoidance
Demand avoidance triggers
Tasks, tasklets and demand avoidance
Phones and demand avoidance
Postponing and demand avoidance
Idleness and demand avoidance
Power and demand avoidance
Pushing demand avoidance
Please and demand avoidance
Rationalising demand avoidance
Demand avoidance is like a spell
Stuff and demand avoidance
Not doing stuff
Surfing excuses
Tell me and I'll avoid
Preaching is a demand
Room tidying and demand avoidance
Demand avoidance tracks
Liking TV show and demand avoidance
Types of demand that trigger me
Wake up and think, "no"
Wanting to work and demand avoidance
Excessive website clicks and demand avoidance
Strength and demand avoidance
Demand avoidance kicking in
If you tell me I'm wrong and demand avoidance


  1. Hello, what happened to meme about thing on the floor? I loved it


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