Peer research insights into PDA
When I first came across a descripton of PDA (pathological demand avoidance) in 2015, all its traits resonated with me strongly, bar having obvious meltdowns and confidently bossing others around, which the only available accounts of PDA listed as key traits. If you're not familiar with what PDA is, there's a good description on PDA Society's website which was put together with input from adult PDAers: link The only reference to adult PDA I could find was a Facebook support network created by Julia Daunt . I shared so many unexpected lightbulb moments of, "Wow, me too!" with fellow members that I could tell PDA was a real thing, despite being aware that many people questioned the validity of PDA as a label. Several factors inspired me to carry out peer research: Lack of descriptions of adult PDA Lack of data backing up the multiple, quirky shared traits reported in the adult PDA Facebook group General lack of research into PDA in its entirety Controversy about ...