
Showing posts from June, 2019

A Demonstration of Differences Between PDA and Non-PDA Autism

Transcript of my presentation at The Autism Show at ExCeL London on 15th June 2019. Hello, I’m Sally Cat I am a PDAer This means my neurology fits the Pathological Demand Avoidance profile, which is currently classed as an Autism Spectrum Condition  PDA is much more than the eponymous demand avoidance    The data I'm presenting is from a large study I ran in 2016 which compares the ranking of 155 potential distinct PDA traits between PDA and non-PDA autistic respondents  These 155 traits were whittled down from a preliminary 228 suggested by members of the adult PDA community via a preliminary in-group study  My role was coordinator, rather than leader (more PDA-friendly, as we none of us like to be led)  I am not a trained researcher  My interest was, and is, bottom up: a member of the adult PDA community seeking answers in the face of academic ignorance towards adult PDA  Being an enthusiastic ...