Most people have likely heard of the Fight, Flight, Freeze trio of adrenaline responses, but there are four more F responses which are less well-known: Flop, Fawn, Funster and Fib. I think knowledge of all seven F responses is important in relation to PDA (the pathological demand avoidance neurotype) because we PDAers are naturally prone to ultra-high anxiety. Our naturally high anxiety causes adrenaline to keep on pumping through our systems to trigger these responses. It may seem to casual observers that our F reactions are baseless and/or contrived to attract attention, but the underlying reality is that these behaviours are driven by blind panic, and we have no control over them. So let's explore them one by one: Fight is, perhaps, the easiest F response for people to grasp, because triggered adrenaline causes visible aggression. describe the Fight response as "Your muscles tense, you start to sweat, your heart beats faster – you act on impulse to save and
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