
This is a massive topic which I plan to return to. In painstakingly unravelling the tangle of my head through stripping away acquired neuroses and ongoing exploration of "fits" for my bundle of remainining traits, I have identified a number of "neurostrands" coexisting within my brain, which are (in order of discovery and/or diagnosis): Dyslexia Dyspraxia Dyscalculia Chronic fatigue syndrome* Delayed sleep phase syndrome Female-pattern autism Autism PDA ADHD * It is argued by some that CFS is neurologically rooted ( link here ) None of my neurostrands operate in isolation. Each strand, like cogs in a complex watch mechanism, directly affects every other one. Starting with autism and female-pattern autism: many autistics claim all autism is one and the same. Female-pattern autism, however, includes the distinctive traits of social mimicry and masking. It was in fact this female autism traits list that prompted me to seek (a...